The latest iPhone model doesn’t matter anymore – but it can make you happy

Troubled times are coming, no one should throw money on things they don’t necessarily need in the next period, but some may be small joys to help you get through a harder time.

Nobody knows what it will be, and Andrei said well: now many will realize, staying home with the weeks, that a pair of shoes of 150 euros goes as well as one of 300 euros, especially when you do not no one sees.

I have always been a fan of savings and I liked to feel safe even for the most bleak scenarios. Even so, about 4 years ago I was left without half a salary, without savings, with a house under construction and rates as much as all the money that went into the house.

Then I told myself that this should never happen again, so now, monthly, the first salary money goes to the savings account.

But I kept buying gadgets, because I’m happy. And we’re not necessarily talking about expensive things, the title iPhone being metaphorical, because I’ve never owned one.

We can talk about small things, from a micro SD for the drone to a video card that allows me to edit videos for the Youtube channel more easily. I always think long enough before I buy. I’m documenting myself.

If I come to the conclusion that a certain object would make me happy – either through utility or just by its very existence, I buy it without remorse.

And I think it’s good to do that again, even if you stay in the house for two more months: save some money for small pleasures, whether it’s a puzzle, a small gadget, an expensive drink bottle or , after all, even the iPhone I was talking about, if your budget allows.

Obviously, I think it goes without saying that I don’t recommend buying clothes or vacations right now.