YouPorn wants to host an online version of the Cannes Film Festival on its website

Any event on a global scale, whether positive or negative, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, gives some companies a chance to stand out.

Few, however, are as fast as adult sites, which try to stand out every time. After PornHub announced that it offers access to the free Premium section for everyone, YouPorn comes with a proposal for the organizers of the Cannes Film Festival, offering its infrastructure to host an “online” edition of the event.

The Cannes Film Festival has not missed a single year since 1946 and so far, but in 2020 the event could be postponed or even canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which seems to be particularly affecting the countries of Europe over the last few weeks.

Thus, the organization of a festival attended by tens of thousands of people on the territory of France in May, seems to be coming out of the discussion at the moment.

However, this is an opportunity for the YouPorn site to offer a helping hand and do a little advertising.

YouPorn Company Vice President Charlie Hughes sent an email to Cannes Film Festival President Pierre Lescure, in which he provides his company’s services.

He says that to avoid postponing the festival, YouPorn could provide its video streaming infrastructure, which can support a lot of traffic at once, even in live mode.

The festival could be “hosted” in a special section of the YouPorn site, and this collaboration could be beneficial to both parties.

The festival will enjoy greater popularity, as YouPorn is one of the largest adult sites in the world, while Cannes films will be seen by critics, actors and everyone who usually attends festival in safety, directly from home.

The Cannes festival was scheduled to begin on May 12 and end on May 23.