PES 2012 Review: King on PC performance sport

Pro Evolution Soccer Series, or PES, as he said those who are familiar with the football game developed by Konami, has reached the eleventh iteration – PES 2012.

PES has always been reported over the rival “death” – FIFA, which stood in the shadow only the first two editions (PlayStation exclusive) until its released on the PC.

From edition to edition, PES has gained increasingly more followers and came to be considered a good simulation of the sport king. In the past three years, simulators have fallen but the PC and now all console (Xbox or Playstation either) is number one when it comes to football – and sports in general.

New PES 2012 has been optimized for consoles and PC version is basically made with copy / paste and only adapted to run in Windows.

Configuration is done after the key buttons on the controller. In fact, for a complete experience, you should have and get used to using a controller. The keyboard will not be able to show you are weak and likely to reach a competitive level in online leagues.

As for the mouse, it is completely out of the equation and can not be used even on the menu. It would be useful however to plan strategy game where you lose the keyboard long enough to manage to sit on the ground team as you want.

We pass over the control and get to play modes. PES 2012 offers four basic modes: Exhibition (friendly match), UEFA Champions League, Copa Santander Libertadores and League / Cup (season 2011-2012).

PES 2012 licenses are as follows:

* Full license for UEFA Champions League, UEFA Champions League, UEFA Cup and Copa Santander Libertadores Super.
* Championships in France, Holland, Spain, Italy – full license, provided that the name badges and championship clubs (Il Calcio) are not licensed.
* England – Manchester United club license and Tottenham Hotspur.
* Portugal – License Benfica, FC Porto and Sporting CP.

Matches take place on 31-stadium, day or night, good weather or bad.

Players can be customized in every detail, from all points of view: physical appearance, equipment (shoes, shirt, shorts, socks), ground movement (dribbling, executing free kicks, penalties and even how expresses joy it marks).

Before starting the game, you can choose equipment and strategy game you want to take into account the field. As we used the previous PES titles, and in PES 2012 have provided complex tactics that would marvel even a real coach.

But all these advanced tactics are recommended for experienced gamers if you’re just an occasional player will not know what to do on the field to put them in value.

Dynamic game with a spectacular place, with acceleration of pace, passing the meeting, contact Harsh is impossible to predict where the ball goes and will “English” which leaves the game to flow and prevents fragmentation than in obvious cases. Overall, PES 2012 is far from being a dull game in which to establish stereotypes.

Without exaggerating, many true matches are boring Division PES than a simulation. Sure, the PES players do not come from the pub or club at the stadium, you can not make arrangements with referees and any agreement between the teams, so maybe look so fierce confrontations.

Unlike FIFA 2012, where a beginner can make the show, the PES is more difficult to get used to the game. At some point you become very frustrated that you can not mark the positions clear (even one on one with goalkeeper).

As you get used to the controller or keys, you will see that dangerous kicks chances of success can be achieved and at a distance, provided they know how to keep broken “foot”.

Consecutive dribbles and slalom among opponents is difficult, and for that you need a player with good technical skills. Try it on Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo tries one, but in no case starting to feint with Bourceanu.

Field of artificial intelligence is remarkably improved teammates to PES 2011 is seen especially in the defensive phase that players are better positioned and moving help.

But it’s not easy to defend. Entries to the ball are difficult, and that to succeed you must choose a very good tackling when otherwise slip up is a hilarious, far away from the opponent.

The attack phase there are two ways to approach large and wide: possession and counterattack. Possession game can be difficult and without spectacular results, however the counter, through meetings snaps, you can quite easily get one with the goalkeeper or a defender flanked by more than tired of you who cling desperately.

Graphics and sound are satisfactory, not stand out in a certain way. I noticed that there are some problems with the resumption of rooms during the match.

It often happens that their position is bad and can not review the key elements of phase. This is but one minor, and after all you can ever get in “replay mode” from which to select a suitable viewing angle – a panoramic camera will not fail.

Overall, PES 2012 is a successful game, even if not excel in Chapter graphic gives us pleasure to play football even on PC. As I said, maybe even more than to watch matches on television.