Modern Warfare 3 Remastered might be on the way

After the first two titles of the Modern Warfare series received the remastered treatment, the third that concluded the trilogy could benefit from new clothes.

The information was not made public by Activision, but by the same leakster who said that Modern Warfare 2 Remastered will be released on March 30.

Modern Warfare 2 Remastered was released on Playstation 4 on March 31 and will be released on PC by the end of April.

Apparently the success enjoyed by MW2 Remastered would have made ActiviSion consider launching the last part with updated graphics – speaking as in the case of MW2 Remastered, just for the campaign.

For now, everything is rumored and even if the leakster has been so far reliable, it remains to be seen what Activision will do.

Modern Warfare was probably the most popular sub-series in Call of Duty, proof that in 2019 the series also received a reboot with the same name.